Google 900 Cherry, San Bruno, CA

Google 900 Cherry, San Bruno, CA

Category: Commercial

Square Footage: 1,000 sq ft

Services Provided: HVAC, Plumbing

Completion Date: 2019

Owner: Google

Architect: Revel

This is a Google owned building and is one of the buildings that act as YouTube Headquarters. Pragmaticc sent in engineers to design plans to convert existing Hydration Station rooms into Gender Neutral Restrooms on floors 4 and 6, and into Phone Rooms on floors 2, 3 and 5. Additionally, the existing collaboration room on the third floor was converted into two separate meeting rooms. Pragmatic Engineers planned out the reconfiguration of supply, return, transfer air, and thermostats as needed for these configurations.


Google Gibraltar, Sunnyvale, CA


O’Reilly, Wahiawa, HI